Kristen [Last Name Removed]
This is an AMAZING product [ATB]. It is top quality. I spent 20 minutes out in the barn "playing" with my new toy when I got home. You know how when you get a new toy for the barn or horses and you don't want it to get dirty? That's me right now! I know it will get muddy with use but I know it's easy to clean off too. We're taking this to the next couple of shows because one of our geldings wasn't keen on drinking at the last one, and it was HOT. We're going to bring some water from home for him. I can't imagine a barn of any size not being able to benefit from this. I don't know how long it's been around but I'm sure that soon everyone will want to carry it. This is really just the coolest thing and definitely the best money I have spent all year. I've been giddy ever since Wednesday when I contacted you, knowing my horses can stay here all winter without endangering my back again. Thanks thanks thanks!!
”My ATB has been getting a work out. Here in the very wet and unusually warm for this time of year MUD! You should see this thing. Sometimes by the time I get it where I am going it is packed with mud yet it still rolls on and my water is nice and clean! But with a flick of my handy hose it cleans up spiffy sparkle. I few sprints of DW 40 keeps the action free. I hope this finds you doing well. I know your website shows the models of the ATB but we are the work-horses. I cannot wait for the Equine AFFair. If you need me I am there!”
Holly Covey, Three day event competitor and sponsorship coordinator for USEA Area II Training Event, Waredaca Farm, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
”The USEA Area II Adult Riders group was excited to use the ATB system for our annual Training Three Day event. This is an educational competition held at a large working farm in Maryland where there's quite a hike between the various phases - cross country, stadium jumping and dressage spread out over 250 acres.
The ATB system made it so easy to pull up that hill to stadium, over the rocky gravel, through the deep mud in the grassy areas and in the deep sand of the arena. It rolls so easily! Even loaded down it's effortless to pull, even with one hand. If you camp out in grassy areas or park way out at the end of the trailer parking lot with your rig, the ATB - All Terrain Bucket System is just what you need. It is WAY better than a wheelbarrow or a flimsy muck bucket cart. We used it not only for water, but hauling other items, too. We would like to thank Just HorsN Around, LLC, for the ATB System.”
Wendy Leo – Wood Gate Farm, West Boylston, MA Junior Riding Instructor
“I do a lot of one day horse shows with my students and I was very excited about how easy it was to carry water without splashing it all over you. People were approaching my riders all day long wondering where they could get one. I will use this at every show I go to next year, as it made my life so much easier. They’re awesome!!”
Katherine Cooper, Beniah Lane Farm, Epping, NH
"I wanted to let you know how helpful my ATB system has been at home and at events. I have a far pasture that is the best grazing area on my farm. The down side is the fact that I have to haul water for the day up the hill by hand. This chore has become no chore at all with my ATB. The wheels are burly enough that I can pull both buckets over the uneven ground with no problem. I have also enjoyed the system at competitions. I do a lot of one-day events so I work out of my trailer all day. The water never seems to be close to the trailer parking area. The last thing you want to do is carry extra buckets of water in 90 degree heat while in your show clothes and boots, but those hot days are when you need extra water the most. This system makes that process so much easier and pleasant!
Carla Sharp at Buttonwood Farm Easton, Ct.
“I would like to say how much I like the ATB. It is easy to use, well designed and a great time saver as well as an energy saver. I no longer feel guilty sending off someone else to get water for my horses. The buckets are well designed so that a horse can easily drink and can reach all the way to the bottom. The tops fit well, making sure that the water does not leave before you have time to use it. Having the double buckets makes the job of getting water much easier because you can get twice as much water at one time. The large wheels allow it to role though rough terrain and not tip over. All in all, the ATB is a great invention and a wonderful addition to my show equipment. I use it for one day shows, where water is not near and I can also use it at away shows to fill water buckets in the stalls when no hose is available. The buckets hang in the stalls and then can be taken out and put on the dolly for transport.”